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I uploaded the "long" version of "EMPOWERED" (on the other works page). This is the original "one take" performance. From this, I edited out a 24 sec. section for the Converse competition. You can now see both versions.


Welcome to my site! Please let me know if you have any problems...and what you think!


Another day closer to having the website completed. I'm trying to not get lost in all the details - I'd be happy with "It's functional and no one gets pissed off using it". Sarah has a great saying "Progress, not perfection." I'm trying! I'm trying!


Had such a nice turn out of friends Saturday night, I had to send out THANK YOU emails. I know what a pain in the ass it is to go out sometimes, so when people show up, it is a great gift, and it was wonderful to see them! I love them all.


The Techgnosis party was a big success! After I got over the nerves of getting there and setting up, I had a really nice time talking with all of the other “performers” – talking about gear and what they do – very nice.

I had to get there at 5:30 PM to set up – which I did – but my VJ set wasn’t until 10:00 PM. I could have left and went to see the CoCA show, but I felt more comfortable babysitting my gear (to make sure it was still running!) so I hung out. Mostly I was alone with maybe one or two other people milling around. At 8:30 people started to show up and the place started to come alive.

My good friend, Jason Hill, was kind enough to FILM my performance! So, yes, hopefully soon I will have clips up from the show so you all can see the party, and me banging away at my laptop!

The crowd, there must have been nearly 300 at times, was very cool. Not the typical Seattle “Art” crowd that only shows up to be seen. No, these people actually seemed to be there for the experience and enjoy the event! How refreshing! There was a great vibe to the whole night. I had a blast.


Tomorrow is the big Techgnosis after show party for CoCA. I’ve been editing away at my video clips, getting them loaded into Arkaos, testing them out…I think, as long as there are no “technical difficulties”, this is actually going to be a pretty sweet set!


The laptop is working very well with the midi controller. I think this just might work!


We had to put our dear, sweet Marjo to sleep yesterday. She was only eight years old. We found out on Wednesday (the 5th), that she had severe kidney failure. We thought we were getting ready to “take action”, be “proactive”, "get her better" (she had been loosing weight). We were not ready to have to say good-bye.

She was the most amazing and beautiful spirit I have ever known. She had such a great love of life and was truly magical. We will miss her everyday of our lives, but we will remember every day of the eight years we had with her. It was a gift and a blessing to know her.

       Marjo 1996 - 2005

Screenings & Live Performances:

Seattle, WA. 01.22.05
Live Set

SuperCluster V
Seattle, WA. 10.05.04
“That’s One Hog Too Many”

SuperCluster IV
Seattle, WA. 08.05.04
“scobot 1”