Big shows this past weekend! "Boo" at Jonas Jensen Fremont Studios was a blast. VJ-ing on a 40'x 60' screen was DEFINATELY fun!!! The double barrel audio assualt of DJ Chloe and The Crystal Method the next night was awesome! So much fun for me to just pummel the visuals at 100mph with the music! I loved it! Hope the audience did too ;)
I did a live re-mix of the last presidential debate and broadcast it on justin.tv. It was a mad scramble to get everything hooked up and ready (which amazingly actually worked!!) - and I was pretty frazzled by the time it was ready to go! I didn't feel like I did my best work - not much to do with two talking heads - but it was important to just "break through" and do it (all an idea I just thought up this morning!) Now that I've got everything set up, I can concentrate on actaully doing something INTERSTING!!
Next plan is to implement "re-TV.net" ... yep, TV of the future (scobot style!!!!)
I've been saying it for so long now,"I need to get new footage up!!!" Lots of clips from recent shows with Infected Mushroom, Decibel Fest 2008, Eva, and various clips of pole dancers and set remixes. One of these days! Wish I could find a video host that didn't hammer my clips so badly! All that FAST MOTION really doesn't hold up to numerous "re-encoding" by Vimeo, Google/You Tube and a whole host of other sites. Just have to host them myself I guess.
The "LIVE TV" experiment went pretty well last week at the Mike Monday show @ Decibel, despite confusing some in the audience ("what's up with the commercials?") - lol!!! But that's the great thing about Decibel, a chance to try stuff out, push the medium a little. Yes, it worked better some times than others (the Seahawks commercial "it's not over till MIKE SAYS IT IS" was especially nice!), but it's pretty intense to mix LIVE content when you have no idea what is going to be broadcast!! Good start. I'll keep experimenting.
The INFECTED MUSHROOM show as a great experience too. Even though no one (I don't even think the band knew) knew what I was doing, "who's that guy at the back of the stage?", I still think I pulled off some cool stuff, even after 5 hours and four acts, I was still giving it my all. I definitely need to up my "eye candy" catalog of clips though!
This week I get to play with the new Edirol P-10 video sampler for an industry show on Thursday. Wish I had a little more time to get familiar with it, but there you go! I want to post some clips of it so you get to see what it can do (like the CG-8 clips I have...oh, yeah, need to post those too!)
The "VJ BOX" is coming along and should be open next month. Just in time for all of you VJ Holiday shopping!
Holy smokes! Somehow I have 7 shows in the next 10 days starting with The Seattle Int'l Film Festival openening gala tomorrow night (I will be VJ-ing along side Jacob Stone of Punch Drunk Prod.) - better get some rest while I can!
![](images/NewGear_Aiptek_MPVR_A-HD.jpg) Aiptek MPVR+cb Aiptek A-HD
In my search for a small, portable video recorder (I have been using a Panasonic DVD recorder for the past three years - which works great, but is big to haul around and its kind of a pain-in-the-ass to convert the recorded VRO files into WEB/DVD formats) - I stumbled across these at Target: The Aiptek MPVR+cb and the Aiptek A-HD (I had also been obsessively looking online for a device, so when I saw these, and they were on sale. I thought "hmmm, now what are these?")
After spending what seemed like HOURS reading and comparing the two units, I decided to get the MPVR+CB because I didn't feel like I really needed the HD feature (I don't have quite the need for that yet) and frankly, the packaging on the A-HD didn't say anything about being able to hook it up to a standard definition TV (only mentioned component hookup) - so that scared me off as I also wanted to have a media player to mix clips from.
Aiptek MPVR+cb
+ Records from any video+audio source (TV, DVD, VJ signal etc)
+ 80min video time @ 720x480 (D1) resolution on a 2GB SD card.
+ Remote control.
+ Media converter software works GREAT!!!! Convert most any video file to an AVI (Xvid) and they look great! I was very impressed. Very easy to use.
*TIP: in order to play clips from your computer on the media player, first convert them to the proper AVI file format using the included software, then name them in the same manner as the MPVR does when it records content. Example: the MPVR names recorded files "CLIP0001.avi", so when adding your content from your computer to the player's media folder, rename your clips "CLIP0025.avi" and they will show up and be available to play. I had to call customer service to figure this out!
+ video resolutions: 720x480, 640x480, 320x240 (the VJ classics!)
+ SMALL size! Doesn't take up much room in gig bag.
- AUDIO IS OUT OF SYNC!!!! This seems to be a BIG problem for these types of MPEG-4 recorders (based upon all the chatter on websites about this problem, not just this brand by the way) Why record a VJ set if the audio and video are not going to be in sync? What's the point? Plus, how annoying to watch a TV program you recorded and have the dialogue not match up! LAME!
*Note, this is only a problem when using the unit to record from an A/V input signal, it does not happen when files are converted and copied from your computer to the player.
- Recorded content via the a/v input (say from a VJ set or DVD) does not look very good, quality is so/so.
- Plays only one file at a time (goes back to menu) which is annoying if you want to load up a bunch of clips and just let them play all night. Also, no "repeat" functions.
Because of the audio sync problems I decided to check out the A-HD as it uses the MOV file format with H264 codec - thinking, maybe QuickTime could handle this better. Also, after searching on the internet, I learned that you could indeed hook up the A-HD to a standard def TV using the included COMPOSITE cables - why didn't they SAY that on the packaging!!!
Aiptek A-HD
+ AUDIO AND VIDEO IN SYNC!!!! Waaaaay better than the MPVR, close enough that I could not tell if it was out of sync or just my lame playing! I also tested with some DVD clips with audio to check the dialogue - looked good!
+ Recording quality look GOOD! Yep - the H264 + MOV combo works and looks great! Especially when compare to the recordings on the MPVR.
+ 144min of record time @ 720x480 on a 2GB SD card (can accommodate up to an 8GB card)
+ Can record from any analog audio/video source.
+ Record resolutions: 1280x720 (HD), 720x480, 352x240
+ SMALL size! Lightweight, can throw it in gig bag and go!
- Super cheap feeling. The plastic is so slippery it feels like its going to squirt right out of my hand.
- Cannot record in HD from a/v video source input.
- HD recording looks like crap - but I'm sure that has a lot to do with what you are shooting and especially your lighting conditions (much to learn about that I admit). But my initial reaction was ho-hum.
- No file converting software.
- I have not been able to figure out the "recipe" for adding content from my computer onto the player and have it show up as a playback file. Not too worried about that at the moment.
- Weird recording artifact during one of my VJ tests. The input video got "messed up" and became "off track", like that old film effect where the film comes off the sprockets and you see the bottom of the frame at the top, but with a couple more sections! In a way it looked kind of cool, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen during a 3hr live set recording! Not sure what that was all about (audio and video were in sync though!)
CONCLUSION (finally):
I decided to keep them both! I decided to keep the MPVR+CB and use it just as a portable media player. It's got a decent screen, the MPEG-4 video files look great, it plays MP3s, and is small and light. I also liked the software for making the AVI files (might come in handy for other tasks!)
I decided to keep the A-HD because I believe, based on my tests, that this will actually be a great solution for a portable video recorder (that records from any A/V input). The files look great and are in sync! Plus, with an 8GB card I can record up to 576min (that's over 9 HOURS!) @ 720x480 30fps resolution.
Saturday, April 12th, marked my 300th career VJ performance!! A personal milestone that I am very proud of. I'm sure other VJs have long passed that number, but for me, I never even imagined I would get to number TWO, let alone be asked to VJ some 300 times in just over three years! To all those who have asked me to play and continue to ask me, Thank you!!! It has been an honor and a blessing to be given the opportunity to continue working on my craft. THANK YOU!!!
![](images/NewGear_NumarkVJ01_DVD.jpg) Numark VJ01 DVD Player
Ok, so my first impression was, "Holy crap this thing is HUGE!" but I decided to give it a chance and do a "Pros & Cons" list (when you have a limited budget for new gear, you have to do this!) and here's what I came up with:
+ Can send a video signal out of the S-Video and Composite AT THE SAME TIME! (not sure how I would really use that, but hey, that's kind of cool)
+ Can play PAL DVDs - or so they say. I don't have any PAL dvds so I will take their word for it.
+ The "loop" feature does work - and seems to have a LONG time parameter. It's not great for doing short loops (slight delay), but good for looping sections of a DVD.
+ If you hit the << (reverse) and > (play) buttons REALLY QUICK, you can "almost" scratch with it, almost.
+ The pitch feature works well and is fun to screw around with
+ I thought the SLOW feature worked great as well as the ZOOM (some possibilities there)
+ The built in screen is nice - not great, but fine.
+ Works fine with DVD-Rs
+ THE BIG PLUS...you can dub from the unit right to a stand alone DVD recorder! Just plug it in and record! Not sure how that works, but for making quick "samples", this is awesome, and frankly THE reason I decided to keep it!
- It's HUGE (did I mention this? and kind of stupid looking - like a big tennis shoe) it takes up a lot of room in my setup as well as my gear bag! Sheesh!
- THE COST! I was able to get one from J&R Music/Computer World for $409 (including TAX and shipping) - but COME ON! Seriously, I think $209 would have been a fair price for what it is/does.
- The CUE feature is kind of lame, unless you like 1 second of delay as the player returns to the cue spot. (the screen may even go blank, if I remember - smooth!)
- No STOP button. Now, that's kind of a weird complaint, but sometimes I do just want to STOP the thing and not have to press the eject button and then deal with that (especially in a cramped VJ set up) - not a big deal but I wish it had one! That's just me.
I decided to keep it because of the "dubbing" feature. I will look for a smaller player for my live rig and use this device at home, in the studio.
I decided that I will just add "new posts" here as I think of them - no longer trying to keep a monthly thing going - now it will just be one loooong year entry - SO MUCH EASIER!
Ok, so January 2008 is almost over and I'm only NOW getting around to updating my website! I've been doing lots of organizing of my studio and getting ready for '08! I think this year is going to be awesome. It's hard to believe I've been VJ-ing for THREE years now! This year will see my 300th career VJ performance (sometime around April/May at my current pace) - that will be quite a milestone for me! Heck, maybe I'll even have some NEW content up by then! I don't think I uploaded ANY of my clips from 2007! Bad me! Between 12 episodes of "VJ Night", the 4hr "Opticlash VJ Seminar" and 20 some hours of live recordings you think I could have posted something! I will TRY to do better this year!!! (There, my New Years resolution, in before the end of January, WHEW!)
| Screenings & Live Performances:
Seattle, WA.
LIVE SET counter: 380
[ since 1.22.05 ]
Steven (Lee - Cabrera) See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 12.27.08
Live set
AudioJack See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 11.29.08
Live set
Ducati Fashion Show 2008 Seattle, WA. 11.15.08
Live set
The Crystal Method See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 11.01.08
Live set
BOO Fremont Studios Seattle, WA. 10.31.08
Live set
Decibel Fest 2008 with Mike Monday Seattle, WA. 09.28.08
Live set
Infected Mushroom Showbox Sodo Seattle, WA. 09.26.08
Live set
Steven (Lee - Cabrera) See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 05.22.08
Live set
2008 Seattle Int'l Film Festival Opening Gala Seattle, WA. 05.22.08
Live set
Pacific NW Ballet's "Backstage Bash" event Seattle, WA. 04.19.08
Live set
Microsoft ZUNE 2.0 Launch Party Seattle, WA. 12.08.07
Live Set
"VJ Workshop" Reel Grrls Seattle, WA. 12.08.07
4hr event co-hosted with Punch-Drunk Productions
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 11.15.07
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 10.18.07
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 09.20.07
Baltic Room Seattle, WA. 09.09.07
Live set
On Screen release party CHAC Seattle, WA. 08.30.07
Live set
HD Trade Show Advanced Broadcast Solutions Jonas Jensen Fremont Studios Seattle, WA. 08.21.07
Live sets (8hr event)
DJ Chronus CD release Last Supper Club Seattle, WA. 08.17.07
Live set
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 08.16.07
with LADY MISS KIER See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 08.01.07
Live set
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 07.19.07
W Hotel Seattle, WA. 07.14.07
Live set
Baltic Room Seattle, WA. 07.10.07
Live set
Opticlash 2:VJ Battle Seattle, WA. 06.13.07
I won!
OPTICLASH VJ SEMINAR 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 06.09.07
Hosted the 4 hr event!
Benefit for THE EMANCIPATION NETWORK See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 05.29.07
Live set
2007 Seattle Int'l Film Festival Opening Gala with Darek Mazzone Seattle, WA. 05.24.07
Live set
with DESYN MASIELLO Club Heaven Seattle, WA. 05.18.07
(4hr) Live set
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 05.17.07
Mb's Birthday Trinity Seattle, WA. 04.27.07
Live set
Pacific NW Ballet's "Backstage Bash" event Seattle, WA. 04.20.07
Live performance
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 04.19.07
Live set (and Host!)
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 03.15.07
Live set (and Host!)
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 02.15.07
Live set (and Host!)
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 01.18.07
Live set (and Host!)
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 12.21.06
Live set (and Host!)
VJ NIGHT 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, WA. 11.16.06
Live set (and Host!)
Decibel Fest 2006 Oscillate Showcase Seattle, WA. 09.17.06
Live set
911 Media Arts' Social Seattle, WA. 09.14.06
Live set
Nordstrom "Designer Preview 2006" fashion shows San Francisco, CA. 07.12.06
Seattle, WA. 07.19.06
Produced video backdrops
Pacific NW Ballet's "Backstage Bash" event Seattle, WA. 03.22.06
Live performance
JewelBox Theater Seattle, WA. 01.06.06
Live performance with Welcome & Mars Accelerator
Macha Monkey’s Halloween Cabaret Seattle, WA. 10.27.05
Live performance with Three Motor Universe
Experience Music Project Microsoft UI EXPO Seattle, WA. 10.25.05
Live Set
The Suffering - release party Seattle, WA. 10.04.05
Live Set
Decibel 2005 Seattle, WA. 09.22.05
Video Installation
The See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 08.27.05
Live Set
Opticlash:VJ Battle Seattle, WA. 08.20.05
Live Set
The See Sound Lounge Seattle, WA. 06.25.05
Live Set
Dorkbot "Tesla" event/CoCA Seattle, WA. 06.05.05
Live Set
Kelli Hanson CD release party/CoCA Seattle, WA. 05.20.05
Live Set
SuperCluster VI Seattle, WA. 05.12.05
“of clouds and dirt bikes"
The Jilted Film Festival New York, NY. 04.19.05
“That’s One Hog Too Many”
CoCA Seattle, WA. 03.04.05
Live Set
Dorkbot/Seattle Art Museum Seattle, WA. 03.02.05
Live Set
Techgnosis Seattle, WA. 01.22.05
Live Set
SuperCluster V Seattle, WA. 10.05.04
“That’s One Hog Too Many”
SuperCluster IV Seattle, WA. 08.05.04
“scobot 1”